These simple tips will help make sure your AC is working as good as it should when the weather outside starts getting hot:
- Check your thermostat. Make sure your thermostat is in good working order by testing to make sure everything is functioning properly. A good AC system can’t function properly if it can’t be controlled.
- Change your furnace filter. Changing your furnace filter can help increase airflow if it is clogged or dirty, and will help to propagate cold air throughout your home more efficiently.
- Check your AC Unit. Have your AC unit inspected by a trained professional to make sure everything is working perfectly. You don’t want it to give out on you midway through the Spring.
- Clean your vents and registers. Your AC unit can’t do much if it can’t get through your vents and registers. Make sure they are clean and free of dust and debris so that you get maximum air flow throughout your home.
- Make sure your AC drain hole is open</strong. Most AC units have a drainage hole at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out. Make sure the drainage hole is clear of any debris and has plenty of room around it.
Follow these tips and you’ll have a perfectly working AC system all Spring long!